Added Filling type Input Service Distributor in Company and Branch creation.
Added Recipient Master Feature under filling type Input Service Distributor.
Added Returns GSTR6 feature.
Returns GSTR6
In Prepare data click on View/Edit button to enter the data.
Provided Excel Import and Auto fill feature in Returns GSTR6.
Added Import from software option in Import option in Table no. 3 and 6B to import the data from Purchase Invoices and Credit/Debit Notes.
In All Tables added Import from excel option in Import option.
In Import page the Download Excel template is available. User can download the excel template and fill the data then import the file from Choose Files option.
Provided Download Json feature of GSTR6 return filling.
In Preview & Submit page the Download Json feature is available to upload the data to GST Portal.
Added Half Yearly and Yearly return type in Return ITC04.
Added Invoice type Sez and Non Sez in Sales Delivery challan.
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