Rule – 10-I, Application for advance pricing agreement

10-I . (1) Any person, 1[referred to in rule 10G] may, if desires to enter into an agreement furnish an application in Form No. 3CED along with the requisite fee.

(2) The application shall be furnished to Director General of Income-tax (International Taxation) in case of unilateral agreement and to the competent authority in India in case of bilateral or multilateral agreement.

(3) Application in Form No. 3CED may be filed by the person referred to in rule 10G at any time—

(i) before the first day of the previous year relevant to the first assessment year for which the application is made, in respect of transactions which are of a continuing nature from dealings that are already occurring; or
(ii) before undertaking the transaction in respect of remaining transactions.

(4) Every application in Form No. 3CED shall be accompanied by the proof of payment of fees as specified in sub-rule (5).

(5) The fees payable shall be in accordance with following table based on the amount of international transaction entered into or proposed to be undertaken in respect of which the agreement is proposed:

Amount of international transaction entered into or proposed to be undertaken in respect of which agreement is proposed during the proposed period of agreement. Fee
Amount not exceeding Rs. 100 crores 10 lacs
Amount not exceeding Rs. 200 crores 15 lacs
Amount exceeding Rs. 200 crores 20 lacs


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