Contact unique settings, Bulk edit line items in Sales/Bill, Bulk Reconciliation in Bank Book (Summary), New Print Preview option in Debit Note & Expense, etc.
July 29, 2023
Added New Sections in Form 26Q, 27Q & 27EQ and Enhance the PAN Verification Functionality.
August 11, 2023

Added new option Billing from Address and Dispatch from Address in Delivery challan and In Export Invoice setting added option to choose Invoice Value (Incl. GST).

Added new option Billing from Address and Dispatch from Address in Delivery challan and In Export Invoice setting added option to choose Invoice Value (Incl. GST).

Features Summary:
  • Added Billing from Address and Dispatch from Address option in Invoice Setting, Invoice Creation and Print Template in Delivery Challan.
  • Added Shipping address options in Delivery Challan Excel Import template.
  • Added Invoice Value (Incl. GST) option in Export Invoice setting.

Added Billing from Address and Dispatch from Address option in Invoice Setting, Invoice Creation and Print Template in Delivery Challan.

Added Billing from Address and Dispatch from Address option in Invoice Setting.


Added Billing from Address and Dispatch from Address option in Invoice Creation.


Added Billing from Address and Dispatch from Address option in Invoice Print Template.


Added Shipping address options in Delivery Challan Excel Import template.


Added Invoice Value (Incl. GST) option in Export Invoice setting.


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