Introducing HB BI all new reporting experience with Business intelligence

HB BI is all new reporting tool for analyzing business data with multiple combinations of analysis helps in delivering actionable information that helps to make informed business decision and strategic planning.

Introduction to BI:

Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and delivering actionable information that helps executives, managers and workers make informed business decisions. As part of the BI process, organizations collect data from internal IT systems and external sources, prepare it for analysis, run queries against the data and create data visualizations, BI dashboards and reports to make the analytics results available to business users for operational decision-making and strategic planning.

The ultimate goal of BI initiatives is to drive better business decisions that enable organizations to increase revenue, improve operational efficiency and gain competitive advantages over business rivals. To achieve that goal, BI incorporates a combination of analytics, data management and reporting tools, plus various methodologies for managing and analyzing data.


  • Sales Dashboard
  • Purchase Dashboard
  • Product Dashboard
  • Playboard
  • Trial Balance
  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit and loss
  • Tree manager
  • Nova

  1. Sales Dashboard

What Features are available under the Sales Dashboard?

Sales Dashboard in HB BI-Tools provides following feature

  1. Chips
  2. Dynamic charts
  3. Show and hide chips and charts
  4. Global filter
  5. Voice enabled navigation
  6. Voice enables chart filter operations
  7. Voice control email reporting service


There are 8 custom chips present in the sales dashboard

  • Highest Value Customer by Amount
  • Highest Value Customer by Quantity
  • Most Frequent Customer
  • Highest Value State by Amount
  • State with Max Sales by Quantity
  • Max Sale of Product by Amount
  • Max Sale of Product by Quantity
  • Frequently Sold Product

Dynamic Charts

There are 10 charts present in the sales dashboard.

  • Bar Chart
  • Map Chart
  • Daily Sales Trend
  • Daily Sales Distribution
  • Target Vs Achievement 1
  • Target Vs Achievement 2
  • Sales Trend
  • Sales Growth Rate
  • Sales Channel
  • Unit sold and Revenue

The show and hide features are available in Dashboard settings.


The Dashboard setting contains the following options:-

  1. Global filter
    • To use global filter put the range s and click on filter button to filter all the chips at once for specific date
  2. Hide & show chips and charts
    • To show and hide use the checkbox and click on save

Chips in Sales Dashboard.


There are a total 8 chips and each chip shows the specific data with following feature:

  • Heading is mentioned in the top left.
  • The corresponding name of the customer is mentioned in the bottom
  • The corresponding amount is mentioned in the right corner
  • The setting icon in the top right corner content the date filter.
  • You can put the start data and the end data as a range
  • Click on the filter to filter the chip in the given range.

Click on the icon to show the ledger for the corresponding chip.


Charts in Sales Dashboard:

There are total 10 charts on the sales Dashboard


Every individual chart contain the following parameter

  • Setting option
    • Every charts have different customization
  • Export menu
    • Date export in different format like pdf and csv
    • Image export in required format
    • Print options

Voice control in Sales Dashboard

All features in the dashboard are voiced enabled to control the dashboard with voice there the certain commands

  1. Navigation commands. (navigation phrase + chart name)
  • The Navigation command consists of a navigation phrase like (go to jump on, show me etc.) + chart name.
  • Example
    • Go to target vs achievement
    • Show me sales growth rate
    • Go to product contribution
    • Go to chips
  1. Filter commands (apply filter on + chart name + range)
  • The filter commands consist of filter phrase (apply filter on) + chart name + range (form date to date)
  • Example
    1. Apply filter on target vs achievement from 15 march 2019 to 22 July 2020
    2. Apply filter on benchmark form 15 march 2019 to 22 march 2020 and group by monthly
  1. Global filter command (apply global filter + range)
  • The filter commands consist of filter phrase (apply filter on) + chart name + range (form date to date)
  • Example
    • Global filter consist of global phrase + range (from this date to that data)
    • This is used to filter all the chips at once.
    • Example
      • Apply global filter for 15 march 2019 to 18 march 2020
  1. Update command (update + chart name + given year)
  • The update command consist of update phrase + chart name + year
  • Example
    • Update product contribution for the year 2020
    • Update YTM for the year 2021
    • Update sales growth rate for the year 2022

  1. Purchase Dashboard

Purchase Analysis

Purchase Analysis is an important part of business so we need to undertake regular procurement analysis to ensure that you are making the best use of your hard earned money. It is one of the key tools that is used to proactively identify savings opportunities, manage risks and optimize their organization’s buying power.

HostBooks Ltd. identifying the market needs, provides a detailed Purchase Analysis Dashboard with various charts, graphs and detailed analytical approach to serve your needs and comprehensive asset force.

Purchase Dashboard from HB BI-Tools provides the following feature:

  1. Chips
  2. Dynamic charts
  3. Global filter
  4. Procurement table
  5. Voice enables chart filter operations
  6. Voice control email reporting service


There are 8 custom chips present in the sales dashboard

  • Highest Value Vendor by Amount
  • Highest Value Vendor by Quantity
  • Most Frequent Vendor
  • Highest Value State by Amount
  • State with Max Sales by Quantity
  • State with Max Sales by Quantity
  • Max Sale of Product by Amount
  • Max Sale of Product by Quantity
  • Frequently Sold Product

We can even visit the ledgers for respective chips by clicking here.


Ledger in detail –


The HostBooks BI provides an added feature to hide/unhide desired graphs or chips.


Here we can choose the checkbox to hide/unhide chips and graphs.


Global filter

Global filters ease us to apply the desired date filter for the whole dashboard including chips and graphs.


Dynamic Charts

These are the various graphs & charts provided in the dashboard:

Procurement Table


Date filter for table –


Profit on Units Sold Vs Sold in Days with Cost Size


Shipment Due Graph


State Vs Amount, State Vs Quantity, Vendor Vs Amount


Voice Control Navigation

Organizations that use voice enabled technology for their day to day operations are beginning to realize that the best practice of Voice Enable Tech is as critical as their logo, web site, advertising, or any other interface. The Voice enable technology becomes the branded persona of an enterprise and as such, is as vital as any other form of communication with customers or stakeholders.

HostBooks BI uses an Advanced Speech Recognition system to interact with customers in a way that replicates natural conversation. All features in the software are voiced enabled & we can control, access and customize the dashboards as well as templates easily.

  1. Navigation to Subsets:
    • We can commute from the home page to any Dashboard/Template by using simple natural language requests. E.g.
      • Go to Sales Dashboard
      • Jump on Purchase Dashboard
      • Show me Profit & Loss
    • Similarly we can travel from one template to another.
    • We can also easily navigate to any specific graph/chart directly. E.g.
      • Go to Target Vs Achievement
      • Show me Sales Growth Rate
      • Go to Product Contribution
      • Go to Chips
      • Go to the Home page.
  1. Navigating to Specific Chart/Graph:
    • As we saw, we can access any dashboard and template from anywhere, similarly we can also reach any graph / chart. E.g.
      • Go to Target Vs Achievement
      • Show me YTM graph
  1. Customizing Graphs and Requests:
    • As we saw, we can access and navigate to different charts and graphs easily, similarly we can also customize our graphs according to our needs.
    • Filter commands must include the name of the chart/graph.
    • Command must also know the range of application. E.g.
      • From Jan 1, 2016
      • Till 21st December, 2019, etc.
    • Example
      • Apply filter on Target Vs Achievement from 15 march 2019 to 22 July 2020.
      • Apply filter on Benchmark form 15 March 2019 to 22 March 2020 and Group by monthly.
      • Apply filter on YTM for the year 2021.
  1. Global Filter:
    • This is an easy step to apply filters on the whole dashboard/template.
    • Command must include the word ‘Global’.
    • This is used to filter all the Chips & Graph at once.
    • Example
      • Apply Global filter for 15 march 2019 to 18 march 2020.
  1. Update Command
    • Once we have applied filters on graph/chips, we need to update it regularly as per need.
    • This command helps us to update the filter query easily and efficiently.
    • Command must include the word ‘Update’.
    • Example
    • Update Product Contribution for the year 2020.
      • Update YTM for the year 2021.
      • Update Sales Growth Rate for the year 2022.

We have a Voice automated Navigation system with various other dashboards and templates.

Please refer to the Home page for me details.

  1. Product Dashboard

Product Analysis

Product analysis involves examining product features, costs, availability, quality and other aspects. This is one of the most important aspects of purchase and procurement.

HostBooks BI provides a detailed product dashboard with various charts and analysis for product quality and availability.

Product Dashboard from HB BI-Tools provides various charts and templates. Let’s see them in detail.

Firstly we get list of product from user data like this –


Users need to select a single product for which we will see the analysis in detail.

Unit Purchase Vs Unit Sold Graph


Custom filter for graph –


Here user can change products and we can post a date filter to check details for the same product between posted dates.


Monthly Unit Purchased and Unit Sold Distribution –


Profit Earned on Unit Sold –


Customization option –


Monthly Profit Distribution –


More filter options.

We can choose product with date filter value to get date range analysis –


In detail Purchase analysis of product from various Supplier, Quantity & Amount –

Total quantity purchased from different suppliers.


Amount of purchase from each supplier within a time frame.


Per unit from different suppliers with a time frame.


Quantity of purchase from different suppliers within a time frame.


For more information visit the home page.

  1. Playboard

The HB – BI tools provide a special tool in which users can make the dashboard with their own choices which is named as “Playboard”.

Playboard is the data visualization and data analytics tool that aims to help people see and understand data. … In other words, it simply converts raw data into a very easily understandable format. Data analysis is great, as it is a powerful visualization tool in the business intelligence industry.

Here is the look of the playboard which makes the user understand and maintain the data in easy format.


The above picture depicts the playboard design that is offered by HostBooks BI.

Features of Playboard

  1. Users can easily make their dashboard.
  2. The user doesn’t want to take extra training for that.
  3. The user can share, save and open the dashboard easily.
  4. The user can easily download the dashboard.
  5. The playboard works on internal data as well as external data.
  6. The user can make a dashboard on different formats like json, xl files and CSV files.
  7. The user can make chips or varieties of charts by using a playboard.

The explanation of feature are as follows:

Master includes Contact, Cash and Bank, Inventory and fixed asset is there.


User can easily make a chip or chart with the help of this data.

Second Branch is Transaction in which Sales, Purchase, Cash and Bank, Expenses, Journal, Sales order and Purchase order is present.


There are two more branches i.e. charts of account and taxes which includes US taxes and other tax.

Now the user can make their chips or charts by selecting data.


Once the user selects the data, the table will be shown where the user can select the options for making chip, charts, and pin to dashboard and export to excel.


Three forms are present in this slide i.e. heading, value and Type. By filling this value the user can create a chip. The user can choose the color for different chips.


User can make different kinds of charts like bar charts, line charts, funnel charts and many more.


The above picture shows when the user will select x-axis and Y-axis or the heading of a chart. The bar chart will be shown.

When the user clicks on Pin to dashboard. The chart goes to the dashboard. So by this method users can create a number of charts and chips.


While saving the dashboard user can create a new user also. By clicking on Create new user a form will appear where we can create a new user.


By filling this form we can create a new user in which user has to fill in name, designation, email, phone and address. User can upload their profile picture as well. By clicking on the submit button a new user will create.


After that the user has to create a new dashboard category for their dashboard. The user has to choose the user name and then write a dashboard category. By clicking on the submit button dashboard category has been created.


Now the user can save their dashboard. The user has to select their name, dashboard category. The user has to write a name for his dashboard and click on the save button. The dashboard save successfully will appear.


The users can open their dashboard by selecting the username and dashboard name. The dashboard will open


User can share their dashboard by using two options i.e. via Mail or Telegram. By clicking on the mail option the mail will appear.


User can also share with telegram or both the option. By clicking on the telegram option, the phone number will appear. So, thereby we can use as many features as we want.


User can also delete any chart or chip by using the delete button.


User can also add comment on a specific chart. The comment option is available on every chart.


Here are some examples of dashboard:


  1. Trial Balance

Trial Balance

The HB – BI tools provide a better structure with a fine template and easy understanding of the Trial Balance.


Trial Balance Feature:-

The trial Balance come with the following feature

  • Version selection
    • User can see multiple version created under the tree manager
  • Range selection
    • User can filter the template for the given range
  • Period selection
    • User and check the trial balance for the specified time period

Trial Balance Chart

  • Drill down chart with drag gable option is provide for easy comparison

N level bar chart is provide the multi-level analysis of trial balance


  1. Balance Sheet

Balance sheet

The HB – BI tools provide a better structure with a fine template and easy understanding of the balance sheet.


Balance Sheet Features:-

The balance sheet come with the following Feature:

  • Period -user can view the balance sheet for a specific period like last year, this year etc.
  • Format – Two different formats are available in the balance sheet
  • As of – user can see the balance sheet for a give date

  1. Profit And Loss

Profit And Loss

The HB – BI tools provide a better structure with a fine template and easy understanding of the Profit and Loss.


Profit and loss feature

  • Range selection
    • User can view the profit and loss for the specified range
  • Period selection
    • User can check for the multiple period
  • Format selection
    • Two different format is provide to check the profit and loss

  1. Tree Manager


This component consists of various features so as to manage the hierarchy of the company, finance, department amongst many other implementations. The key feature of this hierarchy manager is that it automatically manages all the finance including credit and debit amounts such that users need not repeatedly keep adding, removing or updating the various amounts manually.

  1. Creating a version and accessing a particular version There is one existing user named “MAN”. Now, if a new user has to be added, we can do so by clicking the “Create New User” option on Top-Right.

Now, user can click on the option we have to view. For example, to access the hierarchy version named “Company” we click on the chip as shown below.

  1. Changing the hierarchy by a simple “Drag and Drop operation” To change the hierarchy of a “Node” we drag it and drop it under the parent node under which we want to place it.

The hierarchy can be understood as a combination of parents, children, and siblings. Sibling nodes are the ones which have the same parent.

  • Changing the hierarchy automatically manages many operations such as re-distribution of amounts of parents and children. When we change the hierarchy of a node and place it under a different parent, the amount is deduced from the current parent node and automatically added to the parent under which the node is now placed.
  • Hence, the amounts are automatically reflected in the parent nodes up to the root node.
  • In the following example, we are taking the example of a node named “Bank” and dragging it from “ASST” and dropping it under “LBTS’.

“DRAG” operation:


“DROP” operation:

  1. Updating the existing fields
  2. We can update any existing field simply by clicking on the “edit” option given on the right of every node element’s name. Once the edit button is clicked you will be shown a pop up and asked to edit the fields according to your requirements.

    Name, amounts, id are amongst the fields that can be updated.

    Example shown below is of a Node named “INVT”:


In the following example we “update” the name of a node named “house” to “flat”:

  1. Adding new fields
  2. The new fields can be added by clicking the add button on the right of every node’s name. Every time a new node is created, you will be asked to fill a set of fields for the new node including the name, credit amount and debit amount,

    account id. The amounts added will automatically be reflected in the “vacantCredit” and “vacantDebit” shown on the top right of version’s hierarchical structure as the amount has to be compensated elsewhere either by deleting a node or by transfers.

    Following example is of adding “car” under “LBTS”:

  1. Deleting a node
  2. The deletion of nodes can be done by clicking the red dustbin button provided on the right of every node name. Deleting the node will add the existing credit and debit amounts of that node to either:

    • The “vacantCredit” and “vacantDebit” respectively.
    • Any other node from the dropdown provided.

    The following example is of deleting “Sales Tax” and transferring the amounts to “account payable”. Notice the change in amount of credit and debit in accounts payable:

  1. Partial Transfer of amount
  2. If some amount needs to be transferred from one node to another either in the case of credit or debit amount, we can do so by the option provided with the arrows sign.

    Now, this option is only provided in the “leaf nodes”, that is, the nodes with no children because parent is actually the sum of all amounts in the children and we need to specify from which nodes we actually want to deduce and hence, transfer the deducted amount.

    Example of transferring amount from “Accounts Payable” to “House”:

  1. Reflection of the versions in Templates
  2. All the changes made in each of the versions can be compared on the “Trial Balance” template page. A dropdown is provided for the same in which all the created versions are provided and accordingly the version can be selected.

    It will be reflected in the table as shown below:

    When we select version “Company” from the dropdown

  1. NOVA


Nova is a one-stop search engine for all the analysis in the dashboards, where questions can be asked in natural language and results of the same will be shown in the form of chips alongside a chart for better visualization of results.

Nova has been divided into 2 parts:

  • General Analysis related to Sales and Purchase
  • Suggestive Analysis

The General analysis can give results for various queries related to states, products, sales, purchase, customers, vendors, amongst others.

Suggestive Analysis gives results from the data for the query asked along with few other analysis for the query asked. For example: If the query is related to “HDFC Banks”, it will show details of the same, like credit and debit amounts. Now, It will also show how it’s performing in respect to other banks, it’s ranking amongst others, percentage constitution etc.

Also, there is no static/fixed way to ask a query. It can be easily asked in natural language.

The query can be asked both by writing it in the search box, or by saying “hello” and the NOVA becomes active which can be seen by noticing it’s flapping wings, followed by the query.

Hence, NOVA is fully voice automated. One need not concern himself by writing long queries.

Some Examples:


Below are some queries related to the states where the business is conducted.


Below are some queries related to sales and customers.


Below are some queries related to purchase and vendors.


Below are some queries related to products.


Below are some questions/queries related to the examples shown above for better understanding of the analysis that can be shown.

  • Queries related to state:
    • State with most frequently sold product
    • State with least number of products purchased
    • Show me state which brought us the maximum revenue
    • Show me the state which brought us revenue more than 78000
    • Show me the state from where we bought worth more than 100000
    • Show me the state which brought us min revenue
    • Show me the worst state for buying products
    • Show me the worst state for selling
    • Show me the state with maximum number of products sold
    • Show me place with from where we bought least number of products
    • Show me the place with highest amount of money earned
    • Give me the place with sales exceeding 50000
    • Show me states from where we bought products in the period 13 February 2020 to 24 march 2020
    • Give me states where we sold products since 15 February 2020
  • Queries related to customer and sales:
    • Customers with most number of times products sold
    • Most frequent customer
    • Give me details of customers we sold products worth more than 6600
    • Show me customers who bought most
    • Show me the customers whom we sold the least
    • Show me the customers with maximum monetary value
    • Who is the topmost consumer
    • Customer who brought us the max capital
    • Customer who bought maximum number of products
    • Consumers whom we sold worth below 80000
    • Customers who have been buying since 23 march 2020
    • Customers whom we sold since 15 February 2020 till 23 march 2020
    • Which is the best performing customer
    • Customers we sold till 16 march 2020
  • Queries related to vendor and purchase:
    • Vendor with least number of times products purchased
    • Least frequent vendor
    • Specify vendor with maximum monetary value
    • Vendor whom we bought worth less than 22000
    • Vendor who sold us the least number of products
    • Dealer who has been selling us since 15 February 2020
    • Topmost vendor we have bought from
    • Vendor from whom we bought the least
  • Queries related to products:
    • Product purchased least number of times
    • Which is the most frequent sold product
    • Product sold least number of times
    • Product sold most number of times
    • Least number of products purchased
    • Least frequent purchased product
    • Best performing product in sales
    • Highest value return from products in sales
    • Least returning product in sales
    • Products we have been buying since 15 February 2020
    • Products we sold till 23 march 2020

Some examples related to suggestions analysis.



We’re always excited to hear from you! If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, please email us at:

Arpita Bora is leading the content writing team at HostBooks Limited. She has pursued her Masters in Commerce. With over 4.5 years of experience in technical and creative writing, she specializes in both long and short-form digital content.

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