New All-In-One Restaurant Management System with POS.
Dashboard: In Dashboard you will get the list of Latest order, New Reservation, Latest Online Order, and Top Selling Item etc.
POS Invoice: this feature help you to manage POS invoice with options New order, On Going Order, Kitchen Status, Online Order, and Today Order.
On Going Order
Kitchen Status show the live status food cocking.
Online Order with Action button POS Invoice and Details option
Today Order with Action button Edit, Invoice, POS Invoice, View, KOT Print, and WhatsApp option.
Manage Order: this feature help to perform all order related activities. Order List with Date filter.
Pending Order with Search functionality.
Complete Order with Search functionality.
Cancel Order with Search functionality.
Kitchen Dashboard: this feature help you to Tracking Kitchen open and pending orders.
Counter Dashboard: this feature help you to Live Tracking Pending Orders
POS Setting: this feature help you to manage Place Order and Quick Order required field setting.
Reservation: this feature help you to manage online and offline Reservation.
Reservation setting: this feature help you to manage available on and Closing Time and Max Reserve Person.
Purchase Manage: this feature help you to Add Purchase, Purchase Return, and Manage Supplier. Purchase list with Add Purchase option
Purchase Return
Supplier List with Add Supplier option.
Reports: this feature help you to create real-time reports.
Purchase Report with from date to date filter.
Stock Report (Food Item) with Food name and date filter.
Stock Report (Kitchen) with Ingredient Name and Date filter.
Sales Report: Multiple sales report like Item Sales Report, Service Charge Report, Waiter Sales Report, Kitchen Sales Report, and Delivery Type Sales Report etc.
Food Management: this is help you to manage food category, manage food, and manage Add-ons. Add Category with images.
Add Food with food image.
Add Combo food with image.
Food Variant for manage food variant and price.
Variant list with Search and Add Variant option.
Add Variant
Manage Food Add-ons
Production Management: this feature help you to manage your production lists and new productions.
Production List with Search option.
Payment Method Setting: this feature is help you to take payment form different payment gateway.
Manage Table: this feature help you to set up your restaurant table management easily and effectively.
Manage Customer Master: this feature help you to manage third party customer and regular customer.
Manage Third-Party Customer
Kitchen Setting: this feature help you to manage multiple Kitchens and manage food with Kitchen wise.
Ingredient Management: this feature help you to manage Ingredients details that are used in your food.
Ingredient List with Add In Ingredient option
SMS Setting configuration.
Invoice Template Setting: this feature is help you to customize template format with show hide field option.
POS invoice with customize field option.
A4 Size with customize field option.
Language Setting: this is help you to convert the software language whatever language you want.
Application Setting: this is help you to customize application setting like Application Title, Store Name, Logo, and Icon etc.
Currency list: this feature help you to add different currency as per your wish as well.
Human Resource: this feature help you to manage Employee master with designation and department.
Shift Management: this feature help you to manage employee shift with option Create/Edit Shift and Assign Shift option.
Create Shift
Assign Shift to Employee
Waste Tracking: this feature help you to track waste food items like Packing Food, Purchase Food, and Making Food.
Packaging Food waste tracking.
Purchase Food Waste tracking.
Making Food waste tracking.
Facebook login
QR App: this feature help you to manage QR Order and Payments.
QR Payment Setting
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You might need to
Generate E-Invoice
Starting from
1st August 2023
Business whose annual turnover exceeds 5 Crore must generate E-invoice starting from 1st August 2023.
Introducing HostBooks E-invoicing software:
Generate E-invoices in a few clicks and comply with e-invoicing rules.
Introducing HostBooks E-invoicing software:
Generate E-invoices in a few clicks and comply with e-invoicing rules.