Added New feature of “Make Copy” in Sales and Purchase Invoices to create by copying existing Invoice.
July 7, 2023
Contact unique settings, Bulk edit line items in Sales/Bill, Bulk Reconciliation in Bank Book (Summary), New Print Preview option in Debit Note & Expense, etc.
July 29, 2023

Approval Matrix, Role & Policy based permissions, Transfer Order Import, Inventory Summary Export, Bulk print option from Listing, Bank-book Reconcile with Invoice & Bill, MIS Report, etc.

Approval Matrix, Role & Policy based permissions, Transfer Order Import, Inventory Summary Export, Bulk print option from Listing, Bank-book Reconcile with Invoice & Bill, MIS Report, etc.

Features Summary:
  • Price and Discount List – All Branch
  • Pro Inventory – Alert message for Negative stock
  • Credit Note – IRN status on listing Tab
  • Pro Inventory – Branch wise Physical Stock verification
  • Transfer Order – New Import
  • Setting – MIS Report
  • User Management – Approval Matrix
  • User Management – Role & Policy based permissions
  • Print – Dispatch from and Receiving Area Address
  • Report – Inventory Summary
  • Print – AWB Number (Subtle)
  • Sales – Bulk print option from Listing
  • Report – Branch option in Reports
  • Sales Order/Quote/PO – Added bulk transaction
  • Cash & Bank – Bank-book Reconcile with Invoice & Bill
  • Brach Accounting – HO switch Option
  • Contact – Opening Split Receipt/Payment Posting
  • Quote – Quote No. & Quote Date in Print
  • Fixed some Customer issues.

Price and Discount List – All Branch option: With this release, we have provision to all branch option in Price list, Discount.

Available Here: Settings → Price, Discount and Commission Management → Price and Discount List → Add Price list/Discount

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Pro Inventory – Alert message for Negative stock: With this release, we have provision show alert message for negative stock in Pro Inventory. You create a Sales Invoice for an item that has no stock, an alert message will come.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Credit Note – IRN status on listing Tab: With this release, we have provision to see IRN status on All Tab of Credit Note listing page.

Available Here: Sales →Invoice →Credit Note

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Pro Inventory – Branch wise Physical Stock verification: With this release, we have provision to add branch wise add physical stock verification. You can manage it via Branch wise.

Available Here: Pro Inventory →Inventory Option →Physical stock verification

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Transfer Order – New Import: With this release, we have given new Import feature of Transfer Order import. We have imported bulk data with customised template feature.

Available Here: Sales →Transfer Order

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Setting – MIS Report:With this release, we have provision to export option of P&L data with Branch wise in excel sheet.

Available Here: Settings →Admin Configurations →Import-Export →Report →Branch wise Trading and Profit & Loss Account

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


User Management – Approval Matrix: With this release, we have provision to create your own flow and provide access to the user wise.

Available Here: Settings →Admin Configurations →User Management

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


User Management – Role & Policy based permissions: With this release, we have provision to set Role and policy as per user wise and set the permission accordingly.

Available Here: Settings →Admin Configurations →User Management

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Print – Dispatch from and Receiving Area Address: With this release, we have given to Address as Dispatch from and receiving area in Old Template.

Available Here: Sales →Invoice View mode →Preview

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.

Report – Inventory Summary: With this release, we have given to inventory Export option with opening and closing stocks. You can also export the data as listing and Full.

Available Here: Reports →Inventory →Inventory Summary

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Print – AWB Number (Subtle): With this release, we have given to AWB number on subtle. You can enter the AWB no and also scan it.

Available Here: Settings →Template Configuration →Print Template

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales – Bulk print option from Listing: With this release, we have given to bulk print option from listing page in Quote, Sales Order, Delivery Challan, Invoices, Export Invoice, Bill Of Supply, Proforma, Credit Note, Purchase Order, Goods Receipt Note

Available Here: Sales →Quote/Invoice/Credit Note

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Branch option in Reports: With this release, we have provision to see branch wise transaction in Sales Report, Purchase Report and Credit Note Report

Available Here: Report →Sales →Sales Report/Credit Note Report.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales Order/Quote/PO – Added bulk transaction: With this release, we have provision to import or add manually 250 lines items in a single Quote, Sales Order, PO, Delivery challan, Indent, GRN, Transfer Order, Bill.

Available Here: Sales →Quote →Import

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Cash & Bank – Bank-book Reconcile with Invoice & Bill: With this release, we have provision to bank book reconciliation with Invoice & Bill.

Available Here: →Banking →Cash & Bank Bank → Reconcile(Bank→Book)

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Brach Accounting – HO switch Option:With this release, we have provision to HO wise switch option in Branch accounting

Available Here: Top menu switch option

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Contact – Opening Split Receipt/Payment Posting: With this release, we have provision to split wise receipt/ payment posting in Invoice Receipt & Bill Payment.

Available Here: Banking → Cash & Bank → Payments/ Receipts

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Quote – Quote No. & Quote Date in Print: With this release, we have given to quote no. and quote date in Print template.

Available Here: Sales → Quote → Quote in view mode → Preview (New)

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Bugs:We have fixed some Customer issues.

Bug Id Discription
Internal Auto Generation Issue via Purchase API
Internal Role access issue from user profile in Price list
SS Mobile Wrong group update in case of Customer through Contact API
Internal Duplicate Branch coming in Indent Report
Internal Option required to exclude items having zero quantity from Stock out report.
Internal Employee list is not coming in Expense
Sagar Ratna Export issue in Purchase list page
Internal Address issue without GSTIN verify
Sagar Ratna Vendor Bill Report change – Default Column
Sagar Ratna IN credit allocation , when clicking on Expense / Claim , We should have an option to select Employee. But It’s not coming
Internal Unable to COA import without Parent wise
Internal Hide pan verify button from contact
Internal Assign Branch wise contact import
Client issue After generating an AWB number, if we copy any invoice, the AWB number, AWB URL, and dispatch status should not be copied
Client issue When adding a credit note from the invoice, the AWB number, AWB URL, and dispatch status should not be automatically fetched from the invoice
Client issue Branch assign issue in multi dimension

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