July 8, 2024

Add Category, Group, Cost Centre, Department & Dept & Cost Centre wise export in Inventory Consumption Report, Add auto consumption option in delivery challan, Add hide & show options in customization setting of Purchase Requisition, Add Transfer Price in Purchase Requisition customization settings, Add permission for Storage Management, etc.

Add Category, Group, Cost Centre, Department & Dept & Cost Centre wise export in Inventory Consumption Report, Add auto consumption option in delivery challan, Add hide & show options in customization setting of Purchase Requisition, Add Transfer Price in Purchase Requisition customization settings, Add permission for Storage Management, etc.
June 29, 2024

Add MRP validation in Sales, Bill & Pro Inventory, Add PDC export report, Add Job work return options, Add Job work return report, Add Eliminations field in Branch wise Trading & Profit and Loss Account etc.

Add MRP validation in Sales, Bill & Pro Inventory, Add PDC export report, Add Job work return options, Add Job work return report, Add Eliminations field in Branch wise Trading & Profit and Loss Account etc.
June 24, 2024

Add new PO with the reference of previous PO, Add zero unit price in Sales Invoice, Quote, & Sales Order, Add Crate wise items adjustment, Add six digits decimal for currency conversion rate, Add multi send mail option in PO, Add back date update restriction, Add Auto Series option in Production Entry, Add Job Work Status Report etc.

Add new PO with the reference of previous PO, Add zero unit price in Sales Invoice, Quote, & Sales Order, Add Crate wise items adjustment, Add six digits decimal for currency conversion rate, Add multi send mail option in PO, Add back date update restriction, Add Auto Series option in Production Entry, Add Job Work Status Report etc.
March 22, 2024

Add GRN Auto Consumption in Pro Inventory, Add Group/Category wise item in Sales/Bill, Add Inventory copy option, Add Pallet & crate wise opening in Pro Inventory, Add Levy Settings etc.

Add GRN Auto Consumption in Pro Inventory, Add Group/Category wise item in Sales/Bill, Add Inventory copy option, Add Pallet & crate wise opening in Pro Inventory, Add Levy Settings etc.
February 28, 2024

Add Business Flow Settings, Add Over due amount, Total amount in Print, Add MTN & MTR fields in Document customization settings, Add TDS Payment in Sales, Add Group and Attribute Import in Pro inventory, Add PO reference for auto Bill Payment in Advance Payment, Add BOM Explode, Add Pending Approval report, Add Print Preview for Spend Money, Receive Money, Manual Journal, Expense, etc.

Add Business Flow Settings, Add Over due amount, Total amount in Print, Add MTN & MTR fields in Document customization settings, Add TDS Payment in Sales, Add Group and Attribute Import in Pro inventory, Add PO reference for auto Bill Payment in Advance Payment, Add BOM Explode, Add Pending Approval report, Add Print Preview for Spend Money, Receive Money, Manual Journal, Expense, etc.
December 30, 2023

Add Vendor Ageing Report, Customer Ageing Report, Add short code of Group & Attribute in Pro Inventory, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Batch Report, Add Sales Order for Alert, Add VAN Sale, Add Dispatch Plan, etc.

Add Vendor Ageing Report, Customer Ageing Report, Add short code of Group & Attribute in Pro Inventory, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Batch Report, Add Sales Order for Alert, Add VAN Sale, Add Dispatch Plan, etc.
December 16, 2023

Add TDS Report (Txn wise), Add Item Stock Report, Add VAT Report, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Master Series, Add Item Stock Report, Add Movable Storage Tracking, Add Movable Storage Stock, etc.

Add TDS Report (Txn wise), Add Item Stock Report, Add VAT Report, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Master Series, Add Item Stock Report, Add Movable Storage Tracking, Add Movable Storage Stock, etc.
December 2, 2023

Add remarks in Quote, Add declaration in Print, Add User Access Manager in User management, Add Branch wise lock date, Add Project Summary Report, Add Advance TDS Adjustment, etc.

Add remarks in Quote, Add declaration in Print, Add User Access Manager in User management, Add Branch wise lock date, Add Project Summary Report, Add Advance TDS Adjustment, etc.
November 11, 2023

E-way Bill, SO Vs RM Report, BOM Print, Add Bundle list in print, Add fields in Export of Sales Order & Delivery Challan, Add Prospects Export in Quote, etc.

E-way Bill, SO Vs RM Report, BOM Print, Add Bundle list in print, Add fields in Export of Sales Order & Delivery Challan, Add Prospects Export in Quote, etc.

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