Purchase Order Report, GRN Report, Last 5 Invoice issued, TDS Report, SO & PO Print in Draft, E-Invoice Tab in Credit Note, Rejected Tab.
May 5, 2023
New UI implemented in HB GST Application with new feature Generation of E-invoice with E-way Bill and Other Enhancements
June 10, 2023

Purchase Requisition Add Document, Export & Delete option, Add Fields (Customer Type, Reporting Manager, Reporting Manager Code, Designation, Department) in Contact Import, Add one more child in Account Group, Receive & Spend Money add Cost Centre, Print Template Name, Rounding off

Purchase Requisition Add Document, Export & Delete option, Add Fields (Customer Type, Reporting Manager, Reporting Manager Code, Designation, Department) in Contact Import, Add one more child in Account Group, Receive & Spend Money add Cost Centre, Print Template Name, Rounding off

Features Summary:
  • Purchase Requisition – Add Document
  • Purchase Requisition – Export
  • Purchase Requisition – Delete option on Listing
  • Contact Import – Add Fields (Customer Type, Reporting Manager, Reporting Manager Code, Designation, Department)
  • Chart of Account Group – Add one more child in Account Group
  • Receive & Spend Money – Print Template Name changes
  • Receive & Spend Money – Add Cost Centre in line item
  • Receive & Spend Money – Add Rounding off
  • Sales – Take Warehouse Address
  • Sales/Bills (All Modules) – Add document with URL
  • Contact – Add document with URL in KYC
  • Print Template – Provide Outer Border
  • Sales Order & Quote – Add Budget & Total Budget
  • Pro Inventory – Add Attribute Code and Optional Code
  • Pro Inventory – Add Multiple image in Category and New UI
  • Purchase Preview – Add Vendor Bill No and Date
  • Other Payment (Spend Money) – Add Account Name
  • GST Sync – Bill Number mapped in Direct Payment
  • Fixed some Customer issues.

Purchase Requisition – Add Document: With this release, we have given add document option in Purchase Requisition. You can add document or given URL of that document while creating PR.

Available Here: Purchase → Purchase Requisition

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Purchase Requisition – Export: With this release, we have given Export option in Purchase Requisition. You can export your data in Excel and verify it.

Available Here: Purchase → Purchase Requisition → Export

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Purchase Requisition – Delete option on Listing: With this release, we have given delete option in listing page. You can delete Purchase Requisition from Listing.

Available Here: Purchase → Purchase Requisition

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Contact Import – Add Fields: With this release, we have given fields Customer Type, Reporting Manager, Reporting Manager Code, Designation, and Department in Contact Import. You can also import Customer type, Reporting Manager, etc. through import easily.

Available Here: Contacts → Import

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Chart of Account Group: With this release, we have provision to add one more child in Account Group.

Available Here: Settings → Finance Settings → Chart of Account → Add Group

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Receive & Spend Money – Print Template Name changes: With this release, we have given template heading name changed.

Available Here: i. Banking → Payments → Direct Payment → View

ii. Banking → Receipts → Direct Receipt → View

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


For Direct Payment


For other Payment


For Direct Receipts


For Other Receipts


Receive & Spend Money – Add Cost Centre: With this release, we have given one column Cost Centre in line item. You can define your cost centre for that items in all Receipts and payments except Bill Payment and Invoice Receipt.

Available Here: i. Banking → Payments → Direct Payment & Other → Add

ii. Banking → Receipts → Direct Receipt & Others → Add

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Receive & Spend Money – Add rounding off: With this release, we have given rounding off option. You can round off amount in all Receipts and payments except Bill Payment and Invoice Receipt.

Available Here: i. Banking → Payments → Direct Payment & Other → Add

ii. Banking → Receipts → Direct Receipt & Others → Add

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales – Warehouse Address: With this release, we have given the dispatch address to pick up from the warehouse as well.

Available Here: i. Sales → Invoice → Add Sale

ii. Purchase → Purchases → Add Purchase Invoice

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.




Sales/Bills (All Modules) – Add document with URL: With this release, we have given to add document through URL also.

Available Here: Sales → Invoice → Add Sale → Add document

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Contact – Add document with URL in KYC: With this release, we have given to add document through URL also in KYC.

Available Here: : Contact → Add Contact → Upload KYC Document

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Print Template – Provide Outer Border: With this release, we have given page outer border in Print.

Available Here: : Settings → Template Configuration → Print Template → Layout
→ Print Settings

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales Order & Quote – Add Budget & Total Budget: With this release, we have given to add column Budget and Total Budget in Line items of Sales Order and Quote.

Available Here: i. Sales → Quote → Add Quote

ii. Sales → Sales Order → Add Sales Order

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Pro Inventory – Add Attribute Code and Optional Code: With this release, we have given attribute code and Optional code in Add attribute and also provide in API.

Available Here: : Pro Inventory → Add attribute

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Pro Inventory – Add multiple image in Category and New UI: With this release, we have provision to add category with multiple images and also change Category UI. You set the default image for Category.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Add category

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Other Payment (Spend Money) – Add Account Name: With this release, we have given to add column Account Name in Print.

Available Here: : Banking → Payment → Other Payment → Preview

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Bugs:We have fixed some Customer issues.

Bug Id Discription
Gwalia GST Sync – Bill Number mapped with voucher no in Direct Payment
22485 CGST Rate And SGST Rate Automatically Remove from Template
22425 Purchase Service data import issue
22470 Unable to search transaction from Invoice listing
Internal Attribute code & optional code add in Add Attribute in API

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